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Ward 2 - Former North Ward

Race Barstow

As a long-time resident of Maitland, Race brings a wealth of experience and a genuine passion for community service. Her decision to run as a Labor Councillor is rooted in her deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of local families. 

Race’s firsthand experience as a mother of four has given her unique insights into the challenges faced by families in Maitland. She knows that accessible and affordable council services are essential for families to thrive. Whether it’s quality childcare, recreational facilities, or community programs, Race believes that every family deserves support.

Race’s volunteer work with organizations like the Girl Guides and Women’s Network Hunter has been transformative. Through these roles, she has actively engaged with the community, listened to their concerns, and worked collaboratively to address them. Her commitment to economic sustainability—supporting local Chambers and businesses—demonstrates her dedication to Maitland’s prosperity.

Ward 2 is experiencing rapid growth, and Race aims to be its advocate. She understands that each resident’s voice matters. As a passionate leader, she will ensure that the concerns and aspirations of Ward 2 residents are heard at the Council level. Whether it’s infrastructure development, environmental conservation, or community events, Race is ready to champion their cause.

Race’s love for Maitland, her understanding of family dynamics, and her unwavering commitment to community-driven leadership make her an excellent choice as a Labor Councilor. She looks forward to contributing to Maitland’s vibrant future and ensuring that all residents thrive.

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