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Mayor Candidate & Ward 3 - Former East Ward

Cr Ben Whiting

Cr Ben Whiting is Labor’s Mayoral candidate after serving the City of Maitland for 12 years. Having grown up in Maitland and seen the city grow so much, Ben is aware of the challenges we face and the need to deliver for our community. With his wife, Ben is raising his two daughters in Maitland and wants the city to be able to provide every opportunity for all of our children.


Ben is a special needs teacher working in Central Maitland and has been involved with Maitland’s Access and Inclusion reference group to ensure Maitland can be an accessible place for all members of community. He plays hockey for Maitland and is regular Park runner and knows that sport is one of the ways communities connect. He has been the chairperson of Maitland Park Recreation board and been engaged with the projects that have enhanced the Park to be what it is today.


Ben has a passion for community facilities and wants our closed facilities to be reopened in ways that best support our community groups. He has been the chairperson of Bruce St Community Hall management Committee so understands the important work that goes on in all our community halls. This is why he opposed the roughly 40% increase in user fees this year.


Maitland is a beautiful city whose residents deserve to be consulted in any major change before it occurs. They want a council focused on delivering on better outcomes. With hard work and the communities support we will build a better Maitland.

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